FM FrancAshiku Lichess coach picture

FM Franc Ashiku

Hard work is a talent

LocationShkoder Albania
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2419
Hourly rateFlexible upon agreement
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I'm Franc Ashiku, 24 years old from Albania, Fide Trainer (FT) and currently FM with IM and GM Norm.

Playing experience

Played many European and World Youth Championships, 3 times the World Olympiad with Albanian Team. Albanian Champion for 2015 in Blitz and Standard time control in 2015, 2019.

Teaching experience

Fide Trainer Diploma, worked with strong grandmasters in the past.

Other experiences

Worked with kids aged 5 y.o., also served a second to GMs in tournaments regarding opening preparation.

Best skills

Teaching students to improve general style of play and gain focus on the board.

Teaching methodology

Depends on the student and his weaknesses, but generally I tend to improve every aspect of play of the student.