IM Ober1 Lichess coach picture

IM Klaus Berg

I help you to understand chess as a logic game and often simple to understand

LocationAarhus Denmark
RatingFIDE: 2288
Hourly rate35 euro
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am a very experienced coach who has coached most of the greatest talents in Denmark during the last two decades. But no matter what level you play on I will always take the challenge to make you the best player you can be regardless of age or talent.

I have been playing chess for the last 50 years and got my IM title in 1983. Later I achieved 2 GM norms, but the last norm has eluted me by half a point several times.

My peak FIDE rating is 2489

Playing experience

I have been playing on an international level from the age of 19. I have won the danish team championship 13 times and has become 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the individual danish championship. I have also participated in the Chess Olympics and European Championship for teams. I have played in the Bundesliga and currently, I play in the second Bundesliga.

I have played against Viktor Korchnoi, Boris Spassky, Nigel Short, Michal Adams, Robert Hüber, Bent Larsen, Jan Timman and other top players.

I did win the danish senior championship in rapid chess in 2019.

Teaching experience

As mentioned I have been teaching most of the danish talents during the last two decades and has been teaching on all levels and ages since the beginning.

Other experiences

Last year and this year I will be one of the two main commentators during the Danish championship. This can be followed on Twitch from the 4th of April this year :)

I was also a coach for the Danish youth team during the European championship in 2018 in Riga.

Best skills

Applying logic
Positional understanding
Candidate moves
Space advantage
Piece evaluation in the position (Bad Bishop vs good Knight etc.)
Humor and a positive approach to teaching chess!

Teaching methodology

My method of teaching will mainly be reviews of your own games and discuss theory and practical chess in the critical positions of your games and what plans would be possible. I like to use dialog and humor :) as teaching methods where I use questions to raise your level of chess understanding.

I always make an assessment of your playing strength and will adapt the training to your level. As an inexperienced player, you will experience that I first will strengthen your opening then the middle game and finally the endgame.

I focus on spending the time we have together to enhance your understanding of chess rather than spend lots of time on tactics that can be learned very well in several places online.