
Addressing laggers


I feel like this topic really needs to be addressed as lag compensation makes ultra miserable and frustrating for many players.

To start with: What is lag compensation?

Lag compensation is a feature lichess uses to ensure that people far away from lichess's servers can get compensation as they're moves take longer to get to lichess servers.

Why is it so bad? With lag comp, games can last to 2 minutes in a 15 second game, which is absolutely ridiculous. "Laggers" are pretty much impossible to flag, and with they're time going up/staying the same after every move, it gives off a vibe that they are moving really slowly when in reality they barely lost any time.

The problem: Laggers are the reason why some people quit ultrabullet. It makes the game unfair, miserable, and frustrating to play. Laggers also make the community really toxic, as most laggers will get blocked by non laggers. Immediately if you lag/ live somewhere far away from france, you are immediately seen as the villain which is NOT OK.

Lag is separating both communities of non laggers and laggers, and it seems like nothing coming out of lag is positive.

So, I do not blame lichess for making this a feature. I would imagine that having 2 bars and playing ultrabullet will be EXTREMELY painful, and giving them comp is more than reasonable. I AM NOT HATING ON LICHESS for adding lag comp to their site.

Now here comes the hard part. The solution.

If you read all the way here, I want you to comment on this forum and try to brainstorm with other people on how we can fix the problem of lag and not make ultrabullet a toxic and miserable place for certain people (like me).
Wish I had a solution. The endless waiting on your opponents every move only to see them with time left when you run out is miserable. They don't just have time left. They might have half the time left. yet you never took as long on them on any moves.
@LagIsBad said in #1:
> I feel like this topic really needs to be addressed as lag compensation makes ultra miserable and frustrating for many players.

@LagisCool would beg to differ.
There is no solution unless lichess has enough money to support high quality servers across the world and not just in western Europe but it is very unlikely. Everyone outside of Europe has at least 90 ping even on 4 bars
@ISOVAKO said in #4:
> There is no solution unless lichess has enough money to support high quality servers across the world and not just in western Europe but it is very unlikely. Everyone outside of Europe has at least 90 ping even on 4 bars

No, not everyone has at least 90 ping outside of Europe. Some people in the US have 70 ms. A solution I am talking about is like not giving comp for people 250 ms and below as it barely makes a difference.
@LagIsBad said in #1:
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> I feel like this topic really needs to be addressed as lag compensation makes ultra miserable and frustrating for many players.
> To start with: What is lag compensation?
> Lag compensation is a feature lichess uses to ensure that people far away from lichess's servers can get compensation as they're moves take longer to get to lichess servers.
> Why is it so bad? With lag comp, games can last to 2 minutes in a 15 second game, which is absolutely ridiculous. "Laggers" are pretty much impossible to flag, and with they're time going up/staying the same after every move, it gives off a vibe that they are moving really slowly when in reality they barely lost any time.
> The problem: Laggers are the reason why some people quit ultrabullet. It makes the game unfair, miserable, and frustrating to play. Laggers also make the community really toxic, as most laggers will get blocked by non laggers. Immediately if you lag/ live somewhere far away from france, you are immediately seen as the villain which is NOT OK.
> Lag is separating both communities of non laggers and laggers, and it seems like nothing coming out of lag is positive.
> So, I do not blame lichess for making this a feature. I would imagine that having 2 bars and playing ultrabullet will be EXTREMELY painful, and giving them comp is more than reasonable. I AM NOT HATING ON LICHESS for adding lag comp to their site.
> Now here comes the hard part. The solution.
> If you read all the way here, I want you to comment on this forum and try to brainstorm with other people on how we can fix the problem of lag and not make ultrabullet a toxic and miserable place for certain people (like me).

Its blitz, too! I try limiting my venting, but they infuriate me.
@morphyms1817 said in #7:
> Its blitz, too! I try limiting my venting, but they infuriate me.

I could see lag having a big affect in blitz time scrambles, but it doesn't happen as much as ultra and hyper
@LagIsBad said in #1:
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> I feel like this topic really needs to be addressed as lag compensation makes ultra miserable and frustrating for many players.
> To start with: What is lag compensation?
> Lag compensation is a feature lichess uses to ensure that people far away from lichess's servers can get compensation as they're moves take longer to get to lichess servers.
> Why is it so bad? With lag comp, games can last to 2 minutes in a 15 second game, which is absolutely ridiculous. "Laggers" are pretty much impossible to flag, and with they're time going up/staying the same after every move, it gives off a vibe that they are moving really slowly when in reality they barely lost any time.
> The problem: Laggers are the reason why some people quit ultrabullet. It makes the game unfair, miserable, and frustrating to play. Laggers also make the community really toxic, as most laggers will get blocked by non laggers. Immediately if you lag/ live somewhere far away from france, you are immediately seen as the villain which is NOT OK.
> Lag is separating both communities of non laggers and laggers, and it seems like nothing coming out of lag is positive.
> So, I do not blame lichess for making this a feature. I would imagine that having 2 bars and playing ultrabullet will be EXTREMELY painful, and giving them comp is more than reasonable. I AM NOT HATING ON LICHESS for adding lag comp to their site.
> Now here comes the hard part. The solution.
> If you read all the way here, I want you to comment on this forum and try to brainstorm with other people on how we can fix the problem of lag and not make ultrabullet a toxic and miserable place for certain people (like me).

I appreciate the essay

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