
Animal life

Indeed, although after 2 moves this position is extremely rare. It happens 1 or 2 times per million games, according to Lichess database.
No, the fact that a move in the opening has been seen before in a small number of random games does not make the move "part of theory". :-)

Just in case anyone is being misled, 1...f6 is a weak move which accomplishes little and gets in the way of the development of Black's kingside pieces, and 2...Kf7 is downright bad, again accomplishing virtually nothing, putting the king on a vulnerable square and losing the right to castle. These animal life openings might be fun, but they hand a big advantage to the opponent.
That's true, but probably doesn't matter that much below 2000 in Blitz.
> No, the fact that a move in the opening has been seen before in a small number of random games does not make the move "part of theory". :-)
Yeah, it was just a joke, didn't mean anything by it.