
why are there different titles per gender

Given that FIDE is totally run by men I would say that is the least likely explanation.
It is an affirmative action, think positive. You guys confuse it with affrontive action. Shame on you!
if you are giving women different titles, doesnt that emphasize the difference between men and women? And the fact that there are less Female GM's doesnt necessarily mean that they are "inferior" players. It just means that there are less players = less grandmasters.

Hypothetically speaking: what if women think they are inferior players because of the special titles? Like: WGM = IM

(please note i do not mean to offend anyone, i love the way chess is but i also love to hear some different opinions about it)
@Talezassian of course I agree that women have been historically discriminated against but I find it kind of paradoxical to fix that by another discrimination, i.e. the creation of women's titles and a world championship. (GM,IM an the world championship are open, not male -which is of course correct). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying WGM,WIM and the women's world championship shouldn't exist,far from it, and I totally agree with Judit Polgar when she says that girls shouldn't be told they might become women world champions, but world champions,period because it lowers their standards.(or something to that effect), so basically all I'm saying is that if it is an attempt to address that imbalance I'm not sure how successful it is not that the imbalance shouldn't be addressed. Also,thx for the links.
@Zubenelgenubi Unfortunately, the length and duration of the inequality means that if organisations don't positively discriminate in favour of women then the status quo of that inequality will just remain as is. It's the same way that monopolies naturally reinforce their dominance - it needs external intervention of some sort, such as some sort of technological revolution or government action, to give the smaller players a chance on a level playing field. The women's titles will be unnecessary when women achieve a participation and representation within chess more comparable to their overall participation and representation in wider society.
@Talezassian Totally agree and actually was thinking the same thing,that this could only end when there is no need for a women's world championship or titles.

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