
is bullet necessary?

@Larenoth bullet is not kids stuff, it's fun in every age. And chess skills are definitely huge factor in every level, not only at top 1%.
Of course if someone wants to improve hes chess knowledge, playing bullet will not help at all.
@gbtami That comes down to what you like about chess, i think. I can see both points being valid
Longer time controls such as classical =
-For folks that can solve differential equations after elaborate thought
-For folks that like to enjoy their food savoring the flavor as they dine out
-For folks interested in a long term meaningful lasting relationship
-For folks that will sit, and enjoy a movie from start to finish
-For folks with a hand full of close friends

Shorter time controls such as bullet =
-For folks that like to solve math flash cards quickly rote learning style without thinking
-For folks that are into competitive eating that just swallow as much food as fast as possible
-For folks interested in a quickie one night stand in a Denny's bathroom
-For folks that will sit there flipping from channel to channel non stop for hours
-For folks with 2000 facebook friends, but nobody of importance

Bullet Chess = Degenerate Chess
Do you think this is necessary? @Sarg0n

Let people live their lives. No one has the right to claim chess only for his preferred time control.
The OP asked about „bullet“. I consider it highly detrimental especially for weaker players.

An old training game of mine which was neither bullet nor am I a noob. So it was designed personally, ad hominem I suppose.

No, I can’t recommend this poker-like bullet if you want to improve your chess.

Some people think faster than others. Also different people want different things. The time control is agreed before games starts. Where is the problem?
Anybody has the right to play whatever he/she wants.
Bullet is fun. So we enjoy ourselves.
If you prefer classical 180+180 , play classical! No problem!
If you prefer ultrabullet berserk , have your way!

@Mollus is right. Let people live their lives!!

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