
About the heavyweight lichess special mega ultra grand tournament—The Seasonal Marathon

I’m wondering if the champions of past Marathons did actually kept playing for 24h with no breaks? If they do, did they temporarily give up their normal timetable for 1 day, or somehow managed to hold on playing without breaking the daily routine? (for instance, one hand holding supper and the other holding the device? :)) I’m quite curious about this honestly.

(I didn’t dare to participate in Marathon even once, since there’s always a lot other things to do every day LoL)
I’m not sure if this topic has been discussed before, but I think this is truly interesting:)
@mkubecek said in #3:
> According to
> the longest time spent playing was 20:27. Not sure if there are processed stats available somewhere that would give you an answer for other players.

I know that participants have to wait for a bit between games so 24hrs of effective playing is impossible. But what I mean is that, does the top players of the Marathon STAY IN and PLAY IN the tournament for 24hrs?
I think you need to be more precise about what exactly you want to know because the question "did the champions of past Marathons actually keep playing for 24h with no breaks?" can be answered only by those specific players.
@HowardXue said in #1:
> I’m wondering if the champions of past Marathons did actually kept playing for 24h with no breaks? If they do, did they temporarily give up their normal timetable for 1 day, or somehow managed to hold on playing without breaking the daily routine? (for instance, one hand holding supper and the other holding the device? :)) I’m quite curious about this honestly.
> (I didn’t dare to participate in Marathon even once, since there’s always a lot other things to do every day LoL)

24 hours without breaks is impossible, but you just have to know how to manage your breaks. I participated in the summer marathon for exactly 23 hours straight, before stopping because I had fulfilled my goal and my body told me to stop, but with the time of the pairings and the 2 hour meal breaks, my total on the board was 19 hours. if you count the preparation and everything else before the marathon, I spent 37 hours awake, so I didn't go out for 2 days, I didn't work or do anything other than play chess, drink and eat . That's why i played this only in summer
@CSKA_Moscou said in #6:
> 24 hours without breaks is impossible, but you just have to know how to manage your breaks. I participated in the summer marathon for exactly 23 hours straight, before stopping because I had fulfilled my goal and my body told me to stop, but with the time of the pairings and the 2 hour meal breaks, my total on the board was 19 hours. if you count the preparation and everything else before the marathon, I spent 37 hours awake, so I didn't go out for 2 days, I didn't work or do anything other than play chess, drink and eat . That's why i played this only in summer

Oh my, must be extremely tiring!
<Comment deleted by user>
I was about to right "Even if you play 30 hours kid, you won't get a trophy '
Then I saw his ratings

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