
how do you stop blundering?

just the day before yesterday i was on song but after every time i get in a good run i just cant concentrate on chess and blunder my positions from drawn/won to lost
@kekmeme #1
Blundering in chess can be caused by various things.

Concentration problems, fatigue, distraction by noise, distraction by emotional things, too optimistic about winning chances, lack of good technique and stamina etc.

A few years ago GM Caruana was playing in the TataSteel Wijk aan Zee tourney. After the news arrived that his mum was taken to the hospital, Caruana suddenly lost a few games.

Here's a few weblinks that might help :

How to prevent blunders - GM Igor Smirnov - YouTube


I tthink bludering is partly personality trait. Some people are just mode careful in everything they do. Including chess.

But by practicing proper thinking protocol you should be able to reduce amount of blunders
That's a problem in my play that I've been trying to fix since long. Sometimes I play games with the single purpose of not blundering. I try to focus on not blundering more than on other things. But even in such games I blunder terribly. It seems that avoiding blunders is extremely difficult. The good news is that if you stop blundering somehow your rating will go up dramatically.
A good idea is to solve a lot of tactical puzzles so tactical motifs and threats ate automated in your mind. Another good idea is to stop playing blitz for a month or two as it reduces focus and thoughtfull play.

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