
Search "user:ArtofDefeat"

183 forum posts
Game analysis - How is this a blunder?#2

You win more material with the computer's move and your position looks good too. With your move, if you weren't winning a piece, its clear your position would be a total turd since you lose the right …

General Chess Discussion - Do you really have to start chess at 5 years old to become a GM?#18

Starting early is known to help, but I don't know there is any exact research on the optimal age. It is also know that even though starting early increases the chances, it is possible for some to beco…

General Chess Discussion - Fellow people with Horrible memory.#3

Give 960 a try.

General Chess Discussion - Am I cheating??#3

You did a good job spotting and exploiting your opponent's major errors, its definitely a game to be proud of at your rating, but the game was otherwise fairly low pressure for you. You didn't find an…

Game analysis - Not sure what i did wrong as black here#4

The caro-kann is a poor choice if your not going to study it more. Your disadvantage after 6. ...be4 was substantial.

General Chess Discussion - 2000 Elo just reached, should I quit?#6

Your having a problem separating the enjoyment of playing from the measure of your skill. Perhaps an analogy would help. What would you say to the man that decided to stick with his right hand (pun in…

General Chess Discussion - Fear of loosing#9

The thing to do is say "huh. That happened. Maybe I'm getting dementia." Will definitely take your mind off the chess.

General Chess Discussion - Will Quantum Computers solve Chess?#24

Just listen to the commentary of super GM tournaments that hosts. Many super GMs already believe that chess is a draw, and that it takes a surprising degree of error to get to a loss. Rather…

Game analysis - Defense puzzle#18

@OctoPinky the final material balance isn't really the problem. If black had an extra move to get stabilized things might be ok, but bh3 and black is going to lose more. What a mess!

Game analysis - Defense puzzle#5

You have to be a lot stronger than me to not give up on the move when you spot the obvious counter-move. Hopefully, I'd get it in correspondence.
