
Search "user:milyazola"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug with searching (opponent's rating)#1

I set up-opponenets rating variety -300 + 100. Usually I search for 15+10 rapid. My rating in rapid 2064 now and usually its around this. But app (android) gives me sometimes opp like 1100, 1300,.. ev…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating update after solving offline#4


Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating update after solving offline#3

Yes. I use android app. U can solve 50 puzzles offline. When u get online u update your rating. And get new puzzles. But now they stopped to update rating after solving offline. Why? Can u answer is i…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating update after solving offline#1

It doesnt work. I loved this option so much! But it doesnt work now. I still can solve 50 puzzles offline but after I get online my rating hasnt been changed. Will fix and provide this option again? P…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess puzzle bug#3

Same problem. And my rating doesnt change. Now I have "?" next to my rating value. And this is after almost 4000 puzzles! And it has been holded on 2222. Lichess-team pls fix this! I use lichess app a…
