
I am a cheater?

Anyone can check if i am a cheater?
I played two matches against a comrade who said that I was absolutely a cheater.

So I kindly ask someone to look and analysis my games and tell me if I'm a cheater or not.
Also, report me to the mods, just in case.
Same happened to me...
We must both be Boltzmann brains. :P
I'd say yes, You're already a member of Cheater Investigation Association and you post this silly thread after only 10 games. Your mind is obviously there so I wouldn't be surprised if you cheated.
I don't know, but certainly cheating has more benefits than not, haha.
Chocobomba's current 2482 rating is waaay too low for his amazing level of play. You guys can't see it yet, but this guy is sooo obviously a GM, a rising star. For example, just take a look at his superb post-game commentary (taken from the last game's analysis):

JoseSilva: what was your plan in the opening?
Chocobomba: Playing good

JoseSilva: what is it about the Trompwsky (opening) that you like?
Chocobomba: the guy whos create this opening is form here, my land (Brazil)

Chocobomba: Bg5 of course, is so ofensive
Chocobomba: I love Bg5, is so badassm dont you think?

JoseSilva: and what about the fortress in the mid game?
Chocobomba: Is like the Napoleon attack
JoseSilva: do you even know what a fortress is?
Chocobomba: What aspect you talk?
JoseSilva: the "aspect" I talk about, is the pawn structure mid-game
Chocobomba: Is good
JoseSilva: why is the fortress good?
Chocobomba: Well depend for the variant
Chocobomba: please, be more specific
JoseSilva: which variant of the fortress do you like
Chocobomba: Lets talk about this game
Chocobomba: Use this game like a example
JoseSilva: I am talking about this game. Specifically, about the fortress-like pawn structure in the middle game
Chocobomba: You are talking about a subjective thing. Theres a lot pawns structures can form by this opening
JoseSilva: not the opening, the middle game
Chocobomba: Im not a specialist
JoseSilva: you are not a fortress specialist?
Chocobomba: nope

Chocobomba: and im not a GM
JoseSilva: well, you play like one
Chocobomba: Start to play chess last week, lol
↑ JoseSilva, you manipulate this conversation.
principally in this final part:

"Chocobomba: and im not a GM
JoseSilva: well, you play like one
Chocobomba: Start to play chess last week, lol"

This dont happening in that order.
That is intellectual dishonesty on your part.

The entire conversation, anyone from here can read in this game:

You've called me cheater so many times that at one point I said that I had learned chess last week and that I was only 7 years old! Just to irritate you a little more, But soon after I revealed my real age.
Anyone who reads the conversation can realize this.

It is unfortunate to see how you try to misrepresent reality in order to make others see something that only you see.

In our first game, you lost because you hanging a queen in a completely draw position, if anyone wants to see the game:
If you sent me a draw proposal in this moment, I certainly would have accept.

Our second game is more complex, but you have a good positional advantage in the opening / begin middlegame phase, i try to force the position, im getting worse but in some time you comit a big mistake after 45.Rec7??
At this point is just a question of administrate the win.
The second game:

In both games, we two comit a lot mistakes.

That's why in this topic, I openly invite other people to analyze and evaluate these my games.
Do you go to the police station to claim your innocence out of the blue? Probably not. This thread does not back your case.

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