
Can somenone please explain what the "players" number means

On each web page, top right there is a players number. For instance as I write this it says 759. Does that mean that there are currently 759 players on line? I find this hard to belive as there are only a couple of games on offer.

Thanking in advance
yes,,that is what it means.

If you find it hard to believe, there is nothing I can do for you.

You'll stay logged on if you don't manually log off. For example, I'd have been considered 'online' last night while I were asleep and my computer was turned off. I guess a lot of people simply don't log off.
That's just wrong. As soon as you leave the page, lichess removes you from the list of online players. It also removes you it if you keep the page open but are inactive for 10 minutes.
Fact is that I don't have to log on after turning my pc off for an x amount of time. I didn't know that'd remove me from the list of players who are currently online, though.
Chess is a two-player game.

Unlike, say, first person shooters, you don't need to wait very much for people to join the game, because as soon as someone joins, you are already playing.

That's why there's seemingly no games on offer. You should try creating a game, see how quickly people join then!
Hi Hellball

That makes a lot of sense to me now. Thanks so much for your input. Much appreciated.


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