
jja v0.8.0: A Power Move in Chess Utilities

I know some of those words... I think I'm happy as long as everything is fast, smooth, stable and feature rich :-)
I read the blog but i dont know what kind of tool is it?
"Welcome to the latest update of jja, a versatile command-line utility for chess enthusiasts and developers. With the release of version 0.8.0, a myriad of features, fixes, and improvements have been introduced. This post provides a detailed walkthrough of the changelog, highlighting key changes."
Why should i be interested in legal moves path? i see it somehow has Syzygy but i dont know does it use lichess service or some intrinsic ones :)

Dont want to sound "dissing" but i really would like to know what this "tool" is :)
@Mi5ter_t said in #4:
> I read the blog but i dont know what kind of tool is it?
> "Welcome to the latest update of jja, a versatile command-line utility for chess enthusiasts and developers. With the release of version 0.8.0, a myriad of features, fixes, and improvements have been introduced. This post provides a detailed walkthrough of the changelog, highlighting key changes."
> Why should i be interested in legal moves path? i see it somehow has Syzygy but i dont know does it use lichess service or some intrinsic ones :)
> Dont want to sound "dissing" but i really would like to know what this "tool" is :)

I was wondering the same and performed a quick google search:

"This is jja, a command line utility to interact with various chess file formats. It is still in its early stages of development. The initial intention of the author was to convert their opening books which were saved with ChessBase's proprietary CTG format to the free and open PolyGlot format. Overtime they intend to add support for other chess file formats ( cbh, si4, si5 and so on)."

Essentially it lets you convert between different file formats. This is mostly to get out of some proprietary ChessBase file formats and allows the export to opensource file formats. I think it is quite neat in what it does, though I have not tested it myself, as this allows anyone with the ability to run command line programs to utilize the extensive ChessBase databases without having to use windows (ChessBase is unavailable for Linux)
Thank you :) so a cgessbase file format converter :) Nice idea
@FireWorks said in #3:
> I know some of those words... I think I'm happy as long as everything is fast, smooth, stable and feature rich :-)
<Comment deleted by user>
How funny to watch when @caissa-ai stupidly develops a book of debuts download cutechess-cli there you can develop a good debut book in 2 weeks up to 20 moves guaranteed
It's even better to play e4 and d4 and not play all sorts of b3 and e3