
performance bias and API result data

When extracting performance from arena results using the API, the delivered fields for "/api/tournament/{id}/results" include {rank,score, rating,username, performance}.

However, artificial high performance figures are displayed for players having played a very limited number of games. For instance, with only 3 wins over various players, one gets a very performance, completely irrelevant.

I have not found any mean to get the number of games played by all participants... In the user interface yes, in the API not.

For this reason, the number of games played should be delivered as an additional field in the same request "/api/tournament/{id}/results".
Or maybe another request should provide this information...
Thanks for the answer.
Indeed, I do that (retrieve all games) currently.
But it is extremely slow, and creates an irrelevant workload for the API servers.
Adding a field in the results request would be 10000 faster.

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