

How can you play Chess online when most players fire up a chess analysis program and get the best computer generated move in. Does this stop being a problem only when you reach high rating?
Computers can beat even a player over 2000?
There is any way to overcome this issue? Maybe a patter that computers can't understand or something like that?
"Patterns that computers can't understand" Hi there, you must be new to this chess thing
I was just making a suggestion :D. It takes a lot of processing power for a computer to beat a GM.

I was wondering that if we can input moves that a normal computer would take over a minute of processing power to calculate, cheaters will lose on time. Makes sense?
It takes a cheap laptop and some unknown downloadable chess engine to beat a GM these days. There is simply no way for us mortals to beat an engine even if it's set to make its moves instantly.
If you want to avoid cheaters, though, play bullet games.
why should I care about a player who cheats? how does it affect me? I am still becoming a better player by learning my own mistakes
It affects you because you can't become a machine that executes perfectly calculate moves, would it be any different to play online than playing an AI?
that doesn't really affect me, though.

If someone wants to cheat to play me, it affects him.

I am still learning what went right and wrong with my own moves.

That other person is not actually learning to critically think.
Tu ne pourras pas éviter ces fils de putes de tricheurs. Même en jouant en "bullet" comme le suggère qqun ici, il est possible techniquement d'interfacer un moteur d'échecs qui transmettra les coups à jouer.
De surcroit, j'ai remarqué que des conards trichaient en partie amicale...
Bienvenue dans la jungle des échecs sur le net !
I wonder at what rating it begins to be a problem, currently at my rating (very low :) ) it is not a problem and it is pretty obvious that the other player is not cheating by looking at their mistakes. But I guess that after a certain rating, you will have more cheater.

As a side note, I would like to know if and how cheaters are detected, and if it would be possible to detect them by running analysis on their history?

Everyone agree on the fact that computer are much more superior than human, so maybe this could be detected.

By exemple by replaying the game with stockfish as one of the player and discovering that stockfish predict exactly the move that the player actually played, it is a good indication that this player may be using stockfish....

What do you think?

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