
Lost match when computer disconnect for 40 seconds ?

During the match miglia6 vs muratz at 17:00 more or less computer was disconnected from internet for 40 second at least. I have lost the match . It's ok or a bug ?
@miglia6 said in #1:
> During the match miglia6 vs muratz at 17:00 more or less computer was disconnected from internet for 40 second at least. I have lost the match . It's ok or a bug ?

(note to self make a copy pasta for this)

How disconnection works:
You get x disconnect time based on time control that time is for the whole game
meaning if you had 2 min of dc at the start of the game and disconnect for 5 seconds you would have 115 seconds left for the reminder of the game small disconnects eat up this time which can cause you to quickly loose via disconnection.
also read:
@miglia6 said in #1:
> During the match miglia6 vs muratz at 17:00 more or less computer was disconnected from internet for 40 second at least. I have lost the match . It's ok or a bug ?
Ya said it yaself... it's your computer.

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