
How to study tactics.

hello, if you like we can solve chess tactics by Skype together.
i have a lot of peshka cources and also watch chess videos
about tactics, endgames etc. it is free.
if there will be several people, we could make a chess group by
Skype help each other.
The majority of serious players that I know study tactics this way. What am I missing?

There is a book from 1994 called 'The Art of Combination' by M.V. Blokh that breaks down all the tactical themes into groups (just like Chess Tempo has done) the only difference is it is in book format and not online.

You speak as if this concept of solving puzzles by theme and repetition is something new (it is ancient).

There is nothing "new" under the sun...
meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless

Glad you found this information on your own.

To be honest, a majority of my viewers - ranging from complete noob to about 2200, seemed to be opposed to the idea of sorting puzzles. I personally believe its the best way to study and wanted to share.

I didn't find this information in a book, I just looked for it and compiled it and this video was my attempt to share the information.

Thanks for the book reference.

Okay, I thought you were subtly claiming that you discovered this method lol...

Your belief on this being the best way to study tactics is probably accurate. Here is what the great M.V. Blokh thought about tactical study:

1. Solve tactical problems based on tactical themes (as you discussed in the video)

2. After going through a round of each specific tactical theme, solve puzzles that are randomized, which include all of the themes. He called this 'Conjunction of Tactical Methods'

3. Repeat the procedure all over again...

Although I enjoy Lichess' puzzles, it is comprised of the aforementioned Conjunction of Tactical Methods (all themes). I hope eventually this site implements theme based training.
i'm a newbie to chess (i started chess at 5 but only as a game)
now i'm taking chess more seriously , last year i bought Art of Combination from author M.V.Blokh
it's really a very good book :) I'm still reading and practicing it,
can you mention some more good books for starters?

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