
(BETA) Lichess Bishop Knight Lesson Feedback


I wanted to start with a thanks for the awesome site here. I tried to find the feedback for this tool, but nothing came up. I really like the narrated lesson, especially when it highlights parts of the board so that I know what to keep in mind. Looking forward to any more that might be in development.

Below are my feedback on possible improvements on this lesson.

I was trying the bishop knight mating practice and noticed that the engine was causing me to be confused/frustrated while attempting the game.
I will give you an example in the "Exercise: Checkmate the Engine - DSB Edition"
My current position is White: Kb3, Bf2, Nf4; Black: Kd1; white to move.
The engine says it is #15 and I tried Kc3 (this also is what the hint tells me is the best move after I checked later). The engine now says #12 (depth 76) until black moves to c1 where it says it is 0.0 (Depth 74).
I play Ng2 then it reads #11 (depth 18).
And so on...

The number of moves to checkmate does not always decrease by 1 even when you play the best move. (Sometimes this is fixed by increasing the depth, however it is hard to tell if I just messed up because a lot of moves are given the green check, labeled "good move")
If not a different number of moves to mate, sometimes it becomes a large number.

I might think that the draw rating has to do with the 50 move limit, however that does not explain why moving makes it go away.
Further, here is another example that is mate-in-three:
White: Kb3, Ba3, Ne3; Black: Ka1; white to move. It reads 0.0 depth 60, but upon increasing the depth says #3. Whatever depth 60 means, apparently it cannot find a to-human-obvious mate in 3?

1) When you finish an exercise it sometimes automatically moves to the next step when there is no option to not "load next exercise immediately." This means I cannot study the position or even read the text that appears when I finish the exercise.
This happens in "Introduction", "Restricting the King to the First Triangle", "Exercise: Restricting the King to the First Triangle", "Restricting the King to the Second Triangle", "Exercise: Restricting the King to the Second Triangle"

This glitch seems to goes away when I go to one of the last 4 exercises and disable "Load next exercise automatically". This option does not seem to be present earlier in the lesson, so I call it a glitch.

2) The title "Epic failure" could maybe be rephrased since its closeness to "Epic Fail" could have the impression of being disrespectful as opposed to cautionary.

3) In "Exercise: Restricting the King to the Second Triangle" it has "<Space>" in teletype on the bottom of the green "Continue" button after the first correct move.
Towards the end of "Delivering Mate" it looks like it is about to do the thing in 1) when it has the "<Space>" on the bottom of the green "Next" button

4) Maybe a counter for how many moves until the 50 move draw might be helpful?

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