
The chess cheater doth protest too much.

It's sickeningly funny when a cheater is caught and he carries on at great length protesting that he's been studying chess really hard lately, that he doesn't even have access to chess engine software, that with God as his witness he has never cheated, ad nauseam. The denial and indignation pile gets so deep you can't walk in it. None of that bullshit alters the simple, inescapable truth that humans cannot play error-free chess at 5 or 10 seconds a move. As Kasparov has observed, there are no miracles in chess.
I would like too see the thread were I could read all of this bullshit, it makes my day. I playing as anon here, and usually don't care if anyone is cheating, but when cheater that been caught is protesting I always grab popcorn and enjoying the drama.

So Lichess is not only great place to play chess, its also a theater where playing good comedies. Thanks Thibault and co.
LOL @ an actual cheater confirming what chez was saying, word-for-word.

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