
A rematch after 3 years on lichess

Nostalgic rematch. Yeah, I've watched you improve over the years (unlike myself), but worth mentioning is also the amount of time you play - time spent playing 55+ days. I know chess isn't my first or second choice for a game....

Wouldn't have guessed you to be watching slow games from the 551 bullet games to 9 blitz games and 0 rapid games showing up in 23-30 apr period, though.
@orionchess @OhNoMyPants
thank you for your insights. That's amazing.
Do you always do the puzzles without time limit until you have found the solution or do you try after a certain time for example approx. 3 minutes a move and then go to the next puzzle?
"This guy is a dirty time-player. Be careful!"
Is this some kind of joke?
@Cuxhaven I always do tactics without a time limit and try to work through every possible line before checking if my solution is correct. I think that part is very important, especially in today's era of software based tactics. In many, if not most, tactical problems there's usually only one major tactical possibility present, and so if you see Bxh7+ is the only tactical idea it's easy to just play it and move on, and you'll usually be right.

But the real benefit is not just in seeing the idea, but in actually determining that it works and what the best defensive try is. Just spotting the idea may be okay for pattern recognition but tactics also train board vision, creativity, and calculation. And those last few are especially well trained by completing tactics, especially ones that you just can't get... until you do!

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