
lichess's puzzle is unfair!

How can?! When you go to a right move, or moves, they would score u +1, or +2, +4 ... most high +9/+10 but once you get wrong, they would minus u -29, or -30!?
N I went wrong six times, u can score my minus!!! It doesn't matter how many you go right! They don't want you to be a grandmaster!!!! I'm considering to quit lichess puzzle! No use anymore!? Unfair!
The golf player Tiger Woods would practice by playing 100 balls into the hole. Whenever he missed he started again from 1.
No one is forcing you to try to improve. If you are frustrated you should just take a break, and start again when you are feeling better. Puzzle rating is irrelevant. We do tactics to improve not to get a higher puzzle rating.
You think you are gonna be a Grandmaster if you got a 2500 or something puzzle rating ?

( GMs also sometimes miss tactics )
@Epps that's how Elo ratings are supposed to work! Let's say you are rated 3000 and you get a 1600 rated puzzle wrong, what do you expect?
Supposedly my 1800+ is unfair, too?!
One of GM in YouTube suggested us to improve our chess with:
1. Go to all tactic (opening, middle, end) practises;
2. Puzzle
2. Guess the (GM) moves
3. Go blind chess.
Ad.1. If u check me, I have finished all my practices (100%) b/c I have found that no minus at all. So I went to all my moves, when (many) I got wrong; I just repeated it as often. In days (3), I have completed it. Thx God.
Ad.2. For beginning, it didn't matter to much; u go right: +2, +3, +5, when get wrong may -6 directly; unfair, but u still can manage it. When in the middle, the hardness get very real: +4, +5, +6, sometime get back +2, or even+1, I noticed when I got correct 5x usually the score jump to +8, +9, +10, even u got correct the next, go down to +2! Suddenly, the next u went wrong: -12, -15?! With all in equal difficulty!
I'm start to think that I can't go like this forever! I use machine to help me practice my puzzle first, not to help me thinking. I'm guessing all my moves (with flip flop) n recheck it to machine. So, when I went wrong, didn't minus me badly! I can go wrong as many as possible. I don't think it is cheating! A master in YouTube also suggested the same thing: "If I go here ... what would happen?!" Then he use machine to help him. (Machine is as replacement of human chess trainer/teacher which would cost u $40!) I'm not that rich yet. I do take notes. N when I'm 90% sure then I go to lichess puzzle. I think we all aware that use machine to do all/most the puzzle ... won't benefit us; but if u take notes ... I don't think it is cheating. Even Fisher had said: do anything for win! I considered myself still with conscience. That's why I finished or targeting: 50 - 100 score per day (sometime took 2-3 days when not lazy). N u can check, I could spent 6-7 hours per day for those "unfair" puzzle! I thought when my puzzle go high, my elo games would follow; it's getting right for a while. Now, I doubt it very ..... :-(

Try solving tactical puzzles without the help of a machine/engine. I think you're not learning in the most effective way using your current method.

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