
En passant bug

Hi I’m not sure where to post this or who to send this to as I’m new to lichess and chess in general but I’m pretty sure I encountered a bug where I was unable to en passant. I’ll try to paste the URL below. Its move 13. I’m not mad about it or anything and I could be mistaken but I just wanted to make sure the Devs were aware if it is a bug

You can only en-passant if the pawns are on the same rank. For example, if they played 12...f5 (instead of 13...f5), you would be able to play gxf6. The motivation for en-passant is that otherwise pawns' ability to move two squares on the first move would be too powerful. You can think of it as capturing as if it only moved one square.
The en passant rule is a special rule for capturing pawns. It states that if a pawn A moves forward two squares on its first move, so that it is RIGHT NEXT to an enemy pawn B, then pawn B can capture pawn A as if A had only moved one square forward.

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