
I lost faith in humans


Ah man, it can have like 1000 amazing humans, if 1 is stupid, he can grab a gun and kill 100, and ruin the other 900 ones lives.

When the city has like 100.000 people and 100 stupid people gather together, they can build a government like most that we see around... So don't lose hope, the majority tends to be cool, but also tends to be powerless.
@celinofj said in #31:
> @sdkman
> Ah man, it can have like 1000 amazing humans, if 1 is stupid, he can grab a gun and kill 100, and ruin the other 900 ones lives.
> When the city has like 100.000 people and 100 stupid people gather together, they can build a government like most that we see around... So don't lose hope, the majority tends to be cool, but also tends to be powerless.

Or perhaps not as interested in power for themselves ?!
And then there’s people like me, who are insane, but live totally regular lives.
@Przykid said in #33:
> And then there’s people like me, who are insane, but live totally regular lives.
Same here.
Well okay, I don't live a regular life, but sure...

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