
Search "user:Dixie2011"

157 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Article: Generation Snowflake#7

When I was in highschool, it was all the rage to paint your face white, use black lipstick and bang on about the meaningless of life. Before that it was punk and before that it was hippies and so on. …

Off-Topic Discussion - Article: Generation Snowflake#2

OMG someone somewhere said something someone can disagree with! Whats next? Will it be outlawed to point out trolling clickbait topics such as this one?

General Chess Discussion - Magnus Carlsen streaming on Lichess ! :)#13

Fascinating to see Magnus play these games nearly perfectly. This game had 20acp (and Magnus first move was inaccurate to boot!): Just ... wow. I wonder if lichess…

General Chess Discussion - why we need a time limit on moves#23

I have tried playing opponents who tried this trick on me a few times myself (i.e. wait a long time, make a move, hope the opponent time out). It should almost have a name; the scumbag wait? What I do…

General Chess Discussion - Playing anonymously #7

I play a ton of unrated games; I find it more relaxing and especially convenient when I don't want to focus all the time. I only play anonymous a few times, and that has always been to play really str…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates 2018 winner#12

Tata was an outlier: +1 for Fabi.

Game analysis - Example why ACP isn't that meaningful #1

I was somewhat surprised to see this was a 0 0 0, 3ACP game: In reality, it seems both of us played an irregular opening, and the ACP loss is because white went down a…

General Chess Discussion - Top 500 trophy??#3

I think it would make more sense to add trophies for any of the regular but unimportant tournaments like U1600 blitz; graphically the trophy should be something minor like a ribbon or something. The r…

General Chess Discussion - The Green Button#5

I second what @pumpepekin is saying. Tab-switching is slightly suspicious but not in itself all that meaningful; I do it all the time especially in unrated rapid games. It becomes more important if th…

Lichess Feedback - Why a player with 0 games allowed to Weekly Classical Inc Arena?#4 Fascinating to watch his games. instead of going after immediate material gains (such as BxR) he finds tactics which allows him slightly better gains a few moves dow…
