
Search "user:boorchess"

91 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Talk about Robert Bobby Fisher and Morphy#17

Absurd. I do not for one moment believe that Morphy would have been able to give pawn and move to Steinitz. I do think Morphy was the stronger player during this time period but not to that degree. Yo…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#31

@gbtami can we continue to use your study chapter as the "playing site" for the matches ? I tried to create the same set up as before but failed. I wanted to create a position with the following turns…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#30

@AllSpeedNoSkill sorry for the delay. 2...R@h8

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Why Fischer Random sucks and #57

My promotion and enjoyment of pre-chess is not that it does away from set opening lines that have evolving evaluations based on practical play and computer analysis (aka "theory") but rather that pre …

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Why Fischer Random sucks and #52

Pal Benko: “The continual refinement of technique and assimilation of knowledge, particularly in the openings,will gradually lead to the extinction of the game – it will be solved, played out… Most of…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#26

Pal Benko: “The continual refinement of technique and assimilation of knowledge, particularly in the openings,will gradually lead to the extinction of the game – it will be solved, played out… Most of…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#25

@gbtami Yes. Let's follow the idea of Bronstein. It is also neat that you are rewarded by placing your king only at e1 (in the center of the battle field) with the option of castling, encouraging play…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#21

@AllSpeedNoSkill 1..R@h8. Let's try to set it up so black can castle if I put the king at e8. I think the board editor may allow it under Fischer random rules.

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#19

@AllSpeedNoSkill sure. You want to play white ? Just type in 1.@ke1 etc and we will play after 8 turns of placing.

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#17

@whyalwaysme if you would like to play we can do so now! Just let me know.

FM boorchess