
Search "user:BlackEvilDragon"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - We should remove dislike button on Lichess forum, because it can harm users feelings.#79

At this point @Upcald4 is just trolling. It's ok to think the dislike button should go, explain why and call for it to be removed. I don't agree but it's totally fine. What it's totally not ok it's ch…

Lichess Feedback - We should remove dislike button on Lichess forum, because it can harm users feelings.#42

@Upcald4 said in #20: > There are better ways to do this. For example we can add possibility to rate a comment from one to five stars, but to prevent hate disable two worst stars. By that logic then p…

Lichess Feedback - Privacy settings for profile#4

I think for the most part the settings offered are fine, but I'd also like more granular settings. For example, you can either allow people to follow you or not, but now you can't know who is followin…

General Chess Discussion - Drawing not granted with insufficient material (only 1 bishop on either side and no pawns)#14

@petri999 said in #13: > @BlackEvilDragon No it is not wasting time to trying to win according the rules of the game. That clear cut win if time does run out. If you have just few seconds more in your…

General Chess Discussion - Drawing not granted with insufficient material (only 1 bishop on either side and no pawns)#11

@shiningstar12345 said in #10: > @BlackEvilDragon how did u timeout with increment? you could've started repeating moves to get a draw I did it on purpose because I thought it was a forced draw. Also …

General Chess Discussion - Drawing not granted with insufficient material (only 1 bishop on either side and no pawns)#9

@Shadow1414 said in #8: > #5: We are humans, and humans blunder - and do really stupid things. True, and maybe that could happen between 300 ELO players, but I don't see anyone above 1000 (and we were…

General Chess Discussion - Drawing not granted with insufficient material (only 1 bishop on either side and no pawns)#5

There's no @Yeltcki said in #4: > @BlackEvilDragon Did you read what I said?? > > There's no way that happens in a real game. Is wasting people's t…

General Chess Discussion - Drawing not granted with insufficient material (only 1 bishop on either side and no pawns)#3

I tried to deleted the post since I wanted to post it in the feedback forum and not in general but it didn't allow me to post it there and I only deleted the original post apparently. This was the gam…

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to access all the website features from the mobile app?#1

I have been unable to find a way to access and other parts of the site within the mobile app. Is it possible or it's something that will be eventually but isn't yet?
