
Search "user:Clearchesser"

606 forum posts
Game analysis - Hey, Maggie.#8

Proud to have these types of discussions. How often do Super GMs shoot the breeze with other chess players? Magnus and the others are so busy with Stockfish they forgot what it is to be human. I do en…

Off-Topic Discussion - what's your zodiac?#13

You should strive to be what best reflects your goals in life despite a set philosophy. It can be complicated. Aries for me. That doesn't mean I can't act like other Zodiac Signs. I do have personalit…

General Chess Discussion - Best Way to Improve my Chess#2


General Chess Discussion - Should I learn the Sicilian?#5

It depends if you have asked this question before and what you are aiming for in this game. If you are trying to become World Champion at chess some understand of 1...c5 is required unless you fail to…

General Chess Discussion - Your ideal set up.#1

Explain why winning every game of chess in your life is nearly impossible. The exception being not having played many. If you reached GM or higher explain where your losses came from? Did you really w…

Game analysis - Losing the game with zero mistake and zero blunders#8

Glad you clarified the genuine topic for me. Gawd forbid just anyone can post a game of theirs. Your positional looks visually unsound to any GM. Your pieces have no scope in that set up. Try a normal…

Off-Topic Discussion - ask me anything and I answer#8

Where did life and death come from? Why does someone have to move in chess first if a game is to be undertaken? Will I eat another ham sandwich and enjoy it?

Game analysis - Losing the game with zero mistake and zero blunders#6

This is borderline clickbait. Who or what recommended that set up? If you study the games of KFC, you might find them finger lickin' good. Games where the King's Indian Defense was played by Kasparov,…

General Chess Discussion - How do we know what chess games are more valuable over others?#3

There can be invaluable information out there some people might not learn. How many classic games could help you today if you did not study them? Someone who does not play chess often was amazed how m…

Off-Topic Discussion - Say something about yourself#27

I like to listen to Maggie May thinking about a particular Maggie.
