
Search "user:Davethera"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How long have you been playing chess for.#21

@JustCopperfish said in #9: > I started playing when The Queen's Gambit came out, and started studying when I made this account I wondered when I would read a comment like that. I wonder how many peop…

General Chess Discussion - How long have you been playing chess for.#1

Me on and off 20 years. On,y really started playing everyday since lockdown.

General Chess Discussion - Anyone on here#5

@Satvikpattanaik said in #4: > do you mean team battle? i have won a lot of team battles with my team. Yes that count s to.

General Chess Discussion - Anyone on here#1

Won anything playing chess. I know there are tons of good people on here but anyone here in a chess club and won anything?

General Chess Discussion - Magnus is WC#8

IMHO all the games were good. Last Friday took it out of Nepo but I was surprised that he blundered in this game with the knight. Pushing the pawn forward attacking the rook was the worst move in the …

General Chess Discussion - Does chess really send people mad#1

Like Bobby Fischer went mad do you think that was because of chess or anything else. I mean other chess players have been normal but do you think that chess effects the mind to turn people mad.

General Chess Discussion - Dethroning Magnus#28

Magnus has not played me yet. I’ll give him a run for his money . In all seriousness Magnus is such a great player but Alireza Firouzja is another great player and he is so young to and another top ra…

General Chess Discussion - How many moves was you longest chess game?#7

@NunthaA said in #6: > wow! > > > wow 6 hours is a long game. I feel like so drained after playing a 3 hour and 15 minute game but 6 hours wow love that.

General Chess Discussion - How many moves was you longest chess game?#3

I don’t have a longest move game on here but my longest game over the board was 3 hours and 15 minutes it ended in checkmate by me.

General Chess Discussion - If you were in Nepo's shoes right now, what would you do?#16

This is the first time I’ve ever watched the championship matches. I’m enjoying it to. Nepo needs to regroup find any weakness that Magnus has in the position. He needs to forget about the blunders to…
