
Search "user:Gruzman"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Tournament winners - clickable for fuller list#11

Thanks a lot toast! I understand now. I guess i Will have to try to win again to deserve it to appear in my best results ^^ thanks again!

Lichess Feedback - Tournament winners - clickable for fuller list#9

woops i meant 27/61^^

Lichess Feedback - Tournament winners - clickable for fuller list#8

Hi all! I dont understand, i won a tournament a long time ago (01/04/2015 hourly blitz arena, but still, it's a win xD) but it doesn't appear in my best results.. how a 27/21 in a hourly bullet can be…

General Chess Discussion - Mi elo#3

Ah y no se si cambia algo pero estoy entrenando ahora y he subido a 1886 (en entrenamiento) y mi elo general ha subido... todo esto es muy raro!

General Chess Discussion - Mi elo#2

Me pasa lo mismo y cada vez que actualizo la pagina mi elo cambia entre 20 y 50 puntos, asi que llevo una hora pasando de 1400 a 1700 de elo cuando lo habia dejado a 1554.. sera algun problema de la p…
