
Search "user:SewFast"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - IMMORTAL 7 avg Centipawn Lost in a 960 blitz game!!#3

DVRazor try to find a better 3:0 chess 960 performance on the planet. I have even scoured the best titled games on the site, nobody performed better than samettysam in that game!! 7 avg centipawn lost…

Game analysis - I'm so, so proud of this game! :-)#12

Wow your performance in that game was IM+ level, I mean look at your avg centipawn lost!! Hey what is your FIDE?

General Chess Discussion - IMMORTAL 7 avg Centipawn Lost in a 960 blitz game!!#1

Hey guys! My friend has produced an immortal game against me in a 3:0 blitz 960 game! 0 mistakes 0 inaccuracies 0 blunders and 7 centipawn lost!! Who else is beyond impressed??…

General Chess Discussion - ALL OF YOU people most assuredly and unarguably NEED to... #1

Start playing Horde chess (atomic too), in blitz and correspondence. You will instantly become a better chess player and a happier, more fulfilled human being. Just do it. Start a game this second, ye…
