
Search "user:cat_person"

1887 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How far are we from the solution of atomic?#9

@lecw Seattle. If you are in the region maybe we can even have a meet up after May.

Lichess Feedback - Is there any Lichess data API?#4

@Nel_S Oh not yet. It looks like what I want. Really thanks!

Lichess Feedback - Is there any Lichess data API?#1

I'm very interested in analyzing the data of this site and maybe even help with both detecting cheating and evaluating whether certain variants are likely to be solvable as one side winning in the nex…

Off-Topic Discussion - You're Banned (Forum Game) #uh i dont know#6

Banned for not being a cat. E ghe obuk te oku kus.

General Chess Discussion - How far are we from the solution of atomic?#6

@kasparov_4 Thanks! I'm learning about deep learning and am likely to be able to work in data science starting from this fall. I'm currently looking for others who are interested in the project.

General Chess Discussion - How far are we from the solution of atomic?#4

@lecw I'm probably going to be able to access supercomputers and people with similar interests this fall. That means if possible I will start the project.

General Chess Discussion - How far are we from the solution of atomic?#1

I haven't been in the community for a while. Has any recent progress been made in solving atomic?

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you like cats? :3#1

I do. :3

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story: Cats have taken over Lichess!#112

A thousand dogs suddenly appeared in the palace out of nowhere which caused the astonished cat guards to kill them all..or more accurately cat guards thought that these dogs were dead.

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story: Cats have taken over Lichess!#110

Forced to kneel before Queen Maeve, dog-person begged for mercy but was shown none for he got vaporized by the Queen herself with a Mupura-13.
