
Search "user:dboing"

5538 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How to create a chapter in the study where only a part of a broadcast game is shown#6

@TotalNoob69 said in #5: > Just for the position and names press Shift Alt I had forgotten. Just tested. The only problem, is that it needs chromium, or Lichess seeing some user case otherwise. I hope…

Lichess Feedback - How to create a chapter in the study where only a part of a broadcast game is shown#4

Nice question. A hole in the PGN-centric modus operandi. It relies on having the FEN at the root, and the successive application of the moves on it. As it is more compact information storage that way,…

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 3: How Do We Make Decisions#25

It seems the framework might be "federative" in that enough people find their own competent reasoning chess player and learner in it. I think the bringing together value of it, while not acting as an …

Lichess Feedback - Pause a game#12

Correspondance allows the equivalent behaviour The norm is adjourn not the rule but the reality or natural language, But players can convene to play a certain number of moves But in general I think th…

Community Blog Discussions - The Woodpecker Method#31

Lol. Thumb device rambling record of mine.

Community Blog Discussions - The Woodpecker Method#30

I meant « bit « of information not: but. Thumb device typing above and now. Also given a position and all possible different position, which would be considered too similar to constitute a new positio…

Community Blog Discussions - The Woodpecker Method#29

I had forgotten this blog It is one that does ask the generalization question up front Maybe a blog tag for generalization could be used by authors having that concern high on their blog thesis intent…

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 1 - Introduction#36

Sometimes one has to be patient, as from another perspective, possibly coming from within our fog of yet unknown, but from someone else thinner fog exploration and digestion, may come a new point of v…

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 3: How Do We Make Decisions#15

While it will take me a long time to get through all you wrote. From what I gather I think it is good that you are doing this, as at least one effort to bring in the reader's reasoning abilities, and …

Dboing's Musings - GBT vs ELO vs GLicko (my only clear rating system, says myself).#20

as statistics is not exactly a branch of mathematics.. It has some of its own "axioms" as it is about data interface with mathematical models. It even has its own notations to avoid exponential growth…
