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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Can't select pieces on first click#5

@thibault: It's better, but still buggy. Still not the same as before the updates.

Lichess Feedback - Dragging or dropping pieces#5

@ceterus: But in faster time controls like bullet, that would waste a lot of time. So most people use the drag feature.

Lichess Feedback - Can't select pieces on first click#4

Thanks, thibault! I'll check it out now.

Lichess Feedback - Dragging or dropping pieces#3

Mine has intel i3, and is reasonably fast for most tasks. Also, like I said, I didn't have this issue before the lichess updates two days ago.

Lichess Feedback - Can't select pieces on first click#1

Since yesterday's updates, I haven't been able to select pieces when I click on them once. I have to click on them several times before I can select them, which has led to many time losses. This doesn…

Lichess Feedback - Dragging or dropping pieces#1

I've recently noticed that dragging pieces such as rooks, bishops, and queens along a diagonal or a file results in a lot of slips, which I find difficult to attribute only to the mouse. Many times, i…
