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78 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I hung my Queen on for 2 moves and opponent hangs mate in 2#4

"Always assume you opponent will play the best move." “Playing with computers is not like playing with humans; they'll play solid chess then make random blunder.“ Therefore, your human opponent never …

General Chess Discussion - i discovered an Opening variation in the Kings knight opening. (Normal variation)#17

I put this into a study for others whos eyes get lost in sea of (): As far as black's actions at 1900 go, 1800-2000 blitz/bullet/classical black doesn't pick the bes…

Off-Topic Discussion - What could make child cheat at chess. Or is it pretenders putting in false age.#31

Seems like that's overthinking it, I say. People like when numbers go up (as Cookieclicker showed long time ago), and they also like triumphing over others/don't want to admit a loss (and bragging, po…

General Chess Discussion - A post-mortem of the 2020 Candidates Tournament #31

It credits Dvorkovich for not hiding behind a level of anonymity when stating his opinion. The finishing expression suggests both that this is unusual for FIDE board, and that he opens himself up to f…

General Chess Discussion - chess popularity men vs women#33

While you at-ed me, I'm afraid I don't understand whether you're saying you agree with me or disagree with me or something else. Looks like both? That seems unlikely, so could you please clarify if yo…

General Chess Discussion - chess popularity men vs women#23

Yeah, I think on purely emotional level I'm going to agree with #17. As a guy, if I walked to an event with 2 guys and 100+ women (or people older/younger than me, or all dressed in carnival clothes, …

Lichess Feedback - First Move Wait Time is an Abomination#28

Last time I played in lichess marathon, somewhere between 20 and 25% of the games I played had one player or another fail to move in time. Generally my opponents, but not always. Sometimes, the rest o…

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Lance#33

Gongratz to Lance5500 - being the unquestioned best at marathons; playing more rated regular chess games in a day than I do in my whole time on lichess, each of them better than my best. And not just …

Game analysis - How likely is a game with 0 inaccuracies to be played by a U2000 human?#17

Depends on strength of opposition. 11 mistakes isn't exactly a strong opposition...I have a 2 ACPL game myself :p I generally also consider move times; Irwin consider PV, blur and style as well. As fa…

General Chess Discussion - BULLET CORRESPONDENCE CHESS#4

Bullet is hardly impossible to cheat; iirc thinkabit (former li #1 bullet) was one, for example.
