
Search "user:reallyLost"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Some kind of desync error#2

Or, actually, having just read all the reports of correspondence game time outs, maybe this is the same bug? And not actually a network glitch?

Lichess Feedback - Some kind of desync error#1

In a game I played today, I made a move, which showed fine on my client, but didn't seem to get sent to the server. My clock continued to count down as if it was my turn. I didn't notice until 90% of …

General Chess Discussion - Why trade bishops on this puzzle#3

If you can't understand the logic of a puzzle you can always click analyze and turn on local evaluation. Then make the moves that you want and see the computer responses.

General Chess Discussion - What gets you annoyed in a chess game?#47

#42, Those types haven't bothered me much because I find they tend to play too fast and make mistakes. Chat is easy to ignore. The only thing that really annoys me is when I get into an opening I'm no…

Game analysis - The "BEST" Opening#3

The only way to answer this is to look at a very large number of games and total up how many games white won with each given first move. That's been done; from wikipedia: >New In Chess observed in its…

General Chess Discussion - Rant about chess rules OTB in real life: Hanging Kings#11

No one would intentionally make an illegal move hoping that you don't notice, so the only case that matters is when someone does it unintentionally. In that case the "penalty for his mistake" is in th…

Game analysis - Anyone can blunder!#13

@weakwithwords, Oh sorry, I didn't realize that the analysis wasn't there when he posted this. In that case it is certainly possible that he was also referring to move 11. This thread is a bit confusi…

Game analysis - Anyone can blunder!#11

@weakwithwords You stated explicitly, "@Stivis, that wasn't a blunder". Stivis was talking about move 9, obviously.

Game analysis - Anyone can blunder!#9

@weakwithwords The move in question was 9. Ke6, not 11.

Game analysis - Anyone can blunder!#7

Ke6 is not stalemate. White always wins here. Stockfish appears to be lacking some endgame heuristics. The analysis is still sound.
