
Charity? Non-profit? No profit?

It's not fair how FIDE can just say stuff without making sure that they are the only non-profit body. Lichess is the second largest chess platform, and FIDE did not notice that Lichess is also a non-profit body.

I strongly disagree and I recommend FIDE does some research before announcing some BIG news like this during an interview.
@Dhiness11 said in #103:
> It's not fair how FIDE can just say stuff without making sure that they are the only non-profit body. Lichess is the second largest chess platform, and FIDE did not notice that Lichess is also a non-profit body.
> I strongly disagree and I recommend FIDE does some research before announcing some BIG news like this during an interview.

This is unfair!!!
Thx a lot for all lichess is doing! I often mention lichess as an example how a product with high quality can be produced and maintained over years without generating profit for individuals/ shareholders. I think the world would be better if much more things would be produced this way
From the blog:

"Profit is a mechanism where individuals (owners or shareholders) syphon off value from an organisation for their personal gain."

That statement is just wrong. Profit, which is Earnings, it what people actually, Earn. You would never say, someone went to work and then syphoned off value from the place they worked. They get paid because they earned it. The same is true for companies. They earn their money by providing some kind of good or service. Of course there are times when people actually do syphon off money in an unethical way (which is often illegal depending on how it's done), but that is not same as earning money.

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