
Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?

I am so sorry Caruana lost his chance this way. "I feel like an idiot", he said. What a burden to drag for a great player so far from retirement.

Anyway, I guess Nakamura is right: post-pandemic chess, with the online boom, it will be more and more a prodigy-kids' affair.
@esmiro said in #53:
> @ArtofDefeat
> He's not very funny (very few chess players are) but his game analysis are very valuable, and his editor has a good sense of humor. That's why I watch him from time to time.
> Same for GothamChess, btw. I wouldn't say he's hilarious, but I think that he can be very instructive in his game analysis.
> Honestly, I can't think of anyone other than Ben Finegold for genuinely solid jokes on a consistent level.
> There probably are some others, but yeah, chess players are not really famous for their social skills.

GothamChess is unwatchable imo. Seems to think being loud = being funny. Suppose he appeals to a certain demographic.

In terms of content creators:

- Daniel King is the best in terms of instructive analysis imo. Though I would subscribe to Peter Leko is he ever created a YouTube channel/streamed on Twitch!
- Ben Finegold is possibly the only regularly laugh out loud streamer. He also is the best at creating customised viewer content too. Aman Hambleton can be very funny too.
- In terms of the elite chess players I actually think Nepo is the funniest and a good streamer/video creator. He doesn't do it often but when he does he's pretty funny especially when you consider he's English as second language.

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