
Interchangeable icons

And thibault, my post has got 54 likes! And the majority of people in the poll said that they don’t like the new symbols! :-(
@CalbernandHowbe said (#90):
> For the people who are disliking my posts #86: why? What do you disagree with?

Hm, i can't say for @mysterious_expert but he is always acting reasonable, so i suppose he has his reasons here too. As for the other guy, @SteveEricJordan: after a cursory checking of what his other activities in the forum are, he seems to dislike posts or answer with "no" quite frequently. I am sure you know what the term for someone like that is. Pro tip: don't feed them.

In fact, what you said in #86 (50% of the people dislike the new icons) is dubious from a statistical standpoint of view: people who dislike the new icons are more likely to vote than people who like them. This is not because you rigged the voting somehow (sorry, but given the current state of worldwide political discussion this is probably the first reason to be suggested anyhow for an online voting process - the only remedy is to demolish the post offices) but because of the nature of how they were invited to vote. To be statistically significant one would have to ask a sufficient sample of randomly picked individuals and ask their opinion.

Anyway, even if the numbers paint a correct picture of the whole community (which i doubt) there is still the second point @thibault raised in #7:

> I think you'll get used to them rather quickly.

So,how about waiting for, say, two weeks, for the getting used to them to settle in and then do the poll again. This will probably give a quite different picture. And if not and people are still dissatisfied with the new style in a large extent then your wish for configurable icons would have more weight than right now, hm?

eh im not bothered to read ALL the posts up to now but i read the first page and i kinda like the new ultrabullet symbol, i think the cursor was better but i think this is fine i dont think it needs a change its been like this for around 1 day so to tell the truth in a month or less from now i'll probaly have forgotten the old cursor picture so i dont think it rly matters - same for the bullet but yeah thats just my 2 cents lol
I want the icon changed! I don’t think lichess is as good with the new icon! I know people will call me STUPID or whatever for arguing about an icon,,,, but still,,, I don’t like it and I think we should be given the option to change it :-(
I love the new icons.
I think they are cooler.

Thanks for introducing them thibault.
I think that mysterious_expert is right: I spoke with thibault and he said that there is no chance of having it changed :-( so we’d better try with a usersryle if we want the cursor back

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