
Am I good enough to start streaming on twitch

Cant find a link to an actual stream as he has nothing in his "past broadcasts" page. I'm not insulting him btw, just pointing out that it can be incredibly frustrating to watch, much like a 2000+ players watching my games.
If someone asks "am I good enough to start streaming on twitch", I feel the answer is probably "no".

Streaming successfully is not just about playing (unless you are so hot on the board that it makes for compulsive viewing). The commentary is important, and the overall ambience. You need to be confident to stream well.

My top 3 are:

3) Chesswhiz is not the greatest player, but his commentary and likeability make his programme excellent to watch.

2) Chessbrahs Eric Hansen is a poor commentator mostly, but he's compulsive viewing as he plays so well (even though I fluked a win against him once!) and occasionally loses the plot while streaming... even if his dire music taste can be off-putting. Try some Bach, son!

1) Kingscrusher has the best programme in my opinion. Car crash chess, but I can't even use the toilet while I wait to see if he'll blow a winning position, manage 4th when he was leading... or come up with something stunning and mash a top player! All this while he comes out with catchphrases such as "Gordon Bennett", nervous laughter and throat clearing, or his mum calls him from downstairs!

If you need to ask if you're good enough, you need more time to develop confidence.

I could produce an excellent stream as far as entertainment is concerned... but no one would want to watch me lose all the time :D
Yes. You do not need to have a certain skill level to start streaming on twitch. You may not get many viewers, but you can certainly do it for fun, and I encourage you to do so. What's the worst that can happen?

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