
PHANTOM: The Automated Chessboard

It messed my grammar on the last sentence by not putting comma's on the end of 'fishy' and 'who'.
It might mess my evidence by editing my #11, so I added it here.
Carlos_Pendas Add a video where the pieces move and you have your hand over the board. 👽
@master_of_DARKNESS actually this looks legit.. no grandmasters indicated. Open prototype shown in video and it does not look like it breaks any laws of nature. Design documentation is available on the site.

I do not believe this will fly commercially but then again when around -92 I was designing mobile phones I assumed that text messages will not much of a thing so...

Anyway I believe this is honest project and whether it succeeds or not is totally another thing
It doesn't seem pretty honest to me. @petri999

It's accepting donations on kickstarter, like regium.
It has video errors, like regium.
It's idea is the dream of chessplayers, like regium.
It, if trying to trick us again, is trying really smart, like regium.
It's in lichess (again), like regium.

It, I believe, would be fine to ping @thibault in this matter to alert him.
Well load stuff accepts donations kickstarter. If I were to pull a scam I woudl choose better target than chess players. But can be sure. thoug unlikely to pull anymoney
Are you unaware of the regium scam some year and a half ago? @petri999
This looks like regium to a tee, even got the fancy pictures and everything. Yeah I don't believe this for a second.

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