
Feedback on the new game chooser interface

Also, just a random idea. Why not merge the mini-game that is being played in the bottom left of the screen into the centre board?
Clarkey's ideas would look great with the maximized graph. This way, the game in the center can be viewed.
I think so. I'd still prefer the option to choose between the graph, tiles, and list view with tabs at the top. I didn't put the tabs into the mock-up as I was just rushing it.
This is almost off-topic (so I think I'm okay), but does anyone use the current games section between open tournaments and the forum box below the chess board on the home page? Maybe get rid of it and place a scroll-able section where the current games already exist in the games tab at the top. Eliminate redundancy or is it a useful function?
I personally don't use the Current Games list that is below the main board, and removing it would not be of great loss to me as I use the page to access other peoples games. But I think that turning it into a drop down from the top of the page isn't a good idea.

I think that if my idea is implemented, it would seem strange having two sections that show current games, and it would seem appropriate for the Current Games list to be removed.
Oh, sorry. I meant that there should only be a scroll-able list of games in the tab itself. No drop downs anywhere. I agree.
I just saw the new interface and I jizzed my pants.
Well well well. I will try something else.

Like, hmm. Say the full size graph, and no more tiles. Let's go.
By the way guys, thanks for your involvment. Please consider join the chat on IRC chan #lichess on freenode for more discussion about the lobby! I throw and receive mockups and ideas there.
You can just use the web UI if you prefer:
Don't like it even more so now. What was wrong with the original

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