
how does horsey have 54 followers

@Horsey has so many followers and horsey literally played 1 game how? i think cuz there are many horsey fans so they follow horsey
Some people are not they just follow some people who created acc like in 2013 etc if u notice that horsey was created at 2020 but this user joined lichess in 2013
@tijilsingh no this happend because a guy posted a forum that horsey doesnt havent any follower then after reading his forum every body started following @Horsey
perhaps they require horse manure for their allotments
@Horsey would have a lot more followers if there wasn't competition like HorseyIsBest or JumpingHorsey stealing the limelight. This is proven by @komoki, who has a lot more followers than @Horsey (over 50% more) because the only competition is Komokid.
The word HORSEY has its own meaning in the English Dictionary except the Lichess one. So it isnt weird for a person to name his account on it if people can name their accounts after different English words.
@SARA_BASU2009 said in #8:
> The word HORSEY has its own meaning in the English Dictionary except the Lichess one. So it isnt weird for a person to name his account on it if people can name their accounts after different English words.
definetley a meme
horsey is a peice set right??

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