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363 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Games only go to 300 moves max?#11

@HeylithaV said in #10: > it's capped at 300 for not getting the system overloaded i guess That's my guess too, it's a question of limited resources. But as computers gets stronger, the limits should …

Lichess Feedback - Games only go to 300 moves max?#7

@Akbar2thegreat said in #6: > You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Who cares if the average game is 40 moves? I've seen a lot of interesting games that last less than half that and game…

Lichess Feedback - Games only go to 300 moves max?#4

@InkyDarkBird said in #3: > Lichess does not allow 300+ move games because they usually become absolutely meaningless to analyze and are just two players fooling around. They're not meaningless if the…

Lichess Feedback - Games only go to 300 moves max?#1

I tried to import a game that has 362 moves but after I imported it, it only went to move 300 and got declared a draw. The computer analysis stopped at move 150. Is this to save on computer resources?…

Game analysis - White to move and draw#4

I wonder what rating it would get on the regular puzzles

Game analysis - White to move and draw#1

I didn't see it

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect reflection on the site page.#14

I don't think linking to advanced math formulas is gonna help Thion get into the leaderboards. Does he need to play more games? How long does it take for him to be shown in the leaderboards?

General Chess Discussion - Lichess End of Year Update 2022#26

This looks very promising! It's great that lichess runs on a surplus budget. "Our average donation is of 5.64€ - Lichess is grassroot funded!" - this is great, and it's an amount at about what I expec…

Community Blog Discussions - Grandmaster Guide to learn and improve chess tactics#4

A very thorough blog post, thanks!

Community Blog Discussions - Starting from scratch#8

I know some of those words ツ
