
Interchangeable icons

I seriously have no idea why people don't think that this new ultrabullet icon is way more cooler than the previous one. Big thanks to Lichess for introducing them.
"In case" you don't succeed convincing Lichess developers to implement "interchangeable icons" - all is not lost...
You could possibly "stay in the past" with the help of Userstyles.

Someone could to write a userstyle which replaces the new icons with the old ones,
without interaction with Lichess developers.

Example of a userstyle which modifies the graphical interface -

Embrace change,
woop woop!
I think that @CalbernandHowbe 's idea is in theory good but I can understand if the devs will not be willing to implement it due to difficult in coding/time constraints.
Tbh I don't think there should be a setting at all. Ultra and bullet look identical. I love the new bullet, but who cares about cosmetics? No one. But, functionality is key. The two look so similar.
@tors42 Thank you for the reply and suggestion. That is a possibility too, and I already knew about it. But that requires installing an extension, which I'm not a huge fan of. It seems like that's the only good way do solve the issue, however I'm not going to do that (because of reasons, that I don't want to talk about here.).
I'd have liked to see lichess have an option, which is not possible because a lot of people here are against that opinion. :(
@CalbernandHowbe alright, you want the bullet and ultra symbols to have a button to be changed. Another group wants the lichess logo to have a button to be changed. Another group wants the classical symbol to have a button to be changed. Another group wants the blitz symbol to have a button to be changed, etc.

And at the end, we get a bunch of buttons to change stuff in your settings which would be a complete mess. Lots of people would have no idea what they are about, and would get confused.

See where I am going with this? Not gonna argue that the last ultra symbol was good, cause it was indeed good, but there are some problems. If your idea gets implemented, a bunch of other people who want various logos or symbols on lichess to change would come in the forums and ask. The same 3 people who want the button can keep on asking for it here, but that's not gonna change thibault's mind.

My last post here. It's all up to thibault now.
@mysterious_expert I feel like the lichess logo is ultimately lichess' choice and it shouldn't be changed unless like there was a massive UPROAR and nobody liked it. Because the logo isn't a feature. This however, affects the functionality (confusing 1/2+0 with 1/4+0) and aesthetics of the site. As for regarding your "buttons" problem, there is an easy solution: there should be an "icons" option in the drop down menu when you click your username, and you can change it easily and it doesn't take up much space at all. It isn't a complete mess.

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