
Charity? Non-profit? No profit?

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@h2b2 said in #7:
> the national level chess bodies like USCF, are they for profit?

I assume most aren't. USCF is not. says:
> The US Chess Federation (US Chess) is the official governing body and nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization for chess players and chess supporters in the United States.
is Fide non profit?
so what is that money they take from people to make them join to the Tournamets which called entrance expense?
And thank you for not requiring an email confession for cheaters to create a new account under the pretense of privacy and then singling out and leaking an individual's emails to a publication at an opportune time with the hopes of further damaging another player's reputation.

And for not speculating or opining on the present debacle that, while entertaining and great drama, is literally turning everyone into a... well let's just say if I didn't already dislike them, I do now.

To lichess! I will never play on another site that doesn't have similar morals.
All good and dandy, but we'd like to see a proper balance sheet.
>FIDE Director General Emil Sutovsky said in an interview that FIDE is the only non-profit chess body.
Naturally, Emil Sutovsky just takes all the profit to his pocket.

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